31 January, 2006

Finally a picture!

Well Guster, here is a picture of myself, as you suggested. I feel that this one is a particularly dashing representation of my younger self from a few months ago. Of course, since this photo was taken I have matured a bit. But for the first image to be placed on this blog, I felt that this one would the best.

On another note, I have recently become quite attached to taking naps in the blue cloth under the big printer at work...dad doesn't think it's such a good idea, but I keep trying to do it anyway. My godmama, Oona, thinks it's cute...and I do so love to look cute :-)

04 January, 2006

Things I love

As a care free puppy, there are many wonderful things in this world that bring me fun and entertainment. Here is a small list of a few of these things:

- cardboard
- mr. froggie
- bones
- food
- food
- more cardboard
- even more cardboard
- tea bags
- belly rubs
- did I mention cardboard?