10 October, 2006

Play Time!

Since I hang around the office all day, I sometimes get a bit bored (I mean, really...you can only sleep so many hours of the day!)...but to relieve my boredom I get lots of fun toys to viciously tear apart...I mean play with! Usually said toys don't last too long before I shred them and start flinging the toy stuffing all over the studio. My favorites are the ones that have a little squeaky in the middle...I'll dig and dig until I've pulled the squeaky out and then I get to chew and make noise, all at the same time! Of course, getting to play tug with the toys is also a ton of fun :)


Blogger yimfay said...

My! What white teeth you have! :D

Blogger Wunderhund said...

Guster has a favorite toy that is fun for tug, but it usually takes him a while to actually get to the point where he can pull the stuffing out. Here's a link: http://fatcatinc.stores.yahoo.net/instyadogtoy.html

The rattlesnake one is good for tug and the rainbow trout is good for fetch.

Oh! I just noticed that they have political animals now, too! You'll get a kick out of this: http://www.fatcats.com/html_site/dog_pol_animals.shtml


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